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Brandeis University

Don’t see the course you’re looking for? Please refer to the detailed Coursework Definitions in the Application Guide to find out if your course will meet the TMDSAS requirements.

Starting in EY 2024 - courses in a Biochemistry department have been designated as Biochemistry courses in the TMDSAS application. While this may cause a deficiency in the Biology section of your PCR, please be aware that the schools will use the entirety of your application to determine whether you've fulfilled the pre-requisites, and may consider your Biochemistry coursework accordingly.

Biology Biochemistry
BIBC: 126B
BIOL: 14A, 15B, 18A (4 hours), 18B (2 hours), 22A, 22B, 41A, 42A, 43B, 100B, 105B, 111A, 125A, 128A, 132A, 160B
NBIO: 140B, 143B, 146A, 148B
BCHM: 88B, 100A, 101A, 103B, 155B
Half course = 4 semester hours, labs are 3 semester hours (except BIOL 18A which is 4 hrs); Whole course (across a whole year) = 8 semester hours Half course = 4 semester hours, labs are 3 semester hours (except BIOL 18A which is 4 hrs); Whole course (across a whole year) = 8 semester hours
Gen. Chemistry Org. Chemistry
CHEM: 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 15A, 15B, 18A, 18B, 19A, 19B (all are 2 hrs) CHEM: 25A, 25B, 29A (2 hrs), 29B (2 hrs)
Half course = 4 semester hours, labs are 3 semester hours (except BIOL 18A which is 4 hrs); Whole course (across a whole year) = 8 semester hours Half course = 4 semester hours, labs are 3 semester hours (except BIOL 18A which is 4 hrs); Whole course (across a whole year) = 8 semester hours
Physics Statistics
PHYS: 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 15A, 15B, 18A (2 hrs), 18B (2 hrs), 19A (2 hrs), 19B (2 hrs) BIOL: 51A
Half course = 4 semester hours, labs are 3 semester hours (except BIOL 18A which is 4 hrs); Whole course (across a whole year) = 8 semester hours Half course = 4 semester hours, labs are 3 semester hours (except BIOL 18A which is 4 hrs); Whole course (across a whole year) = 8 semester hours

Does Not Meet Requirement

Science Statistics