Your Dental Journey
Plot out your journey to dental school with these support resources from TMDSAS, TXHES, and our member dental schools!
Learn about Dentistry
Watch this information session with the admissions deans to learn more about what it takes to be a competitive dental applicant.
Special Programs
Here's a list of the special programs offered by our dental member institutions.
Dental Applicant FAQ
Here are the most frequently asked questions (AND answers!) for dental school applicants.
Statistical Information for Dental Applicants
Learn about the trends of the applicant pool, including academic performance, GPA, final stats, and 10-year statistical information.
Get a better picture of the process by looking at the numbers and trends from previous TMDSAS application cycles.
Inside Health Education : TMDSAS Latest App Tips & Insights
Applying now? Visit the application guide for step-by-step instructions.
Have a question about the TMDSAS Application?
Bring your questions to our weekly TMDSAS Office Hour sessions.
Live on every week on the TMDSAS YouTube Channel
Watch recordings of previous sessions