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Preparing for Interviews and Offers of Admission


When should I hear back from the medical schools?
Each school has its own protocol with regards to interviews. Typically, interviews for medical schools take place from June to January. It is at the discretion of each school whether or not they notify you if you have not been selected for an interview.

Medical School Acceptance

When will the medical schools start sending offers of acceptance? What are the policies regarding acceptances?

Medical School Acceptance

Medical schools may begin extending offers of acceptance to applicants beginning October 15. 

  • Formal offers of acceptance to the restricted Early Decision Programs at the UT Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, Texas Tech University HSC-Lubbock, and UNT Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine will be extended no later than October 1, 2021. (These applicants are not included in the match.)

Important Dates

See Deadlines and Important Dates for more information. 

Pre-Match Offers 

  • Prior to the match, medical schools may extend offers of acceptance to Texas residents for a period between October 15, 2021 and January 28, 2021.  For more information on Pre-Match offers please see the TMDSAS Match page.

Match Process  

The match is conducted to confirm the pre-match offers applicants are holding and to fill the remaining slots for the medical schools. Individual match results will be posted on the TMDSAS application at 8:00 a.m. CST March 4, 2021. For more information on the Match please see TMDSAS Match.

Non-Texas residents, MD/PhD, DO/PhD, MD/MBA and Assured Acceptance Program applicants are NOT included in the match process.

Multiple Acceptances 

With the exception of offers received during the pre-match period, only the most unusual of circumstances justify an applicant’s holding a place in the entering class of more than one U.S. school for more than two weeks since this may adversely affect other applicants. The schools; therefore, reserve the right to withdraw offers of acceptance to individuals who hold places for longer periods without specific authorization from the schools involved. Applicants may withdraw active applications from any school any time during the application period. 

Applicants may hold multiple offers of acceptance from the TMDSAS medical schools as well as other non-TMDSAS schools. By April 30th of the matriculation year (April 15 for schools whose first day of class is before August 1) each applicant who has received an offer of acceptance from more than one school should choose the specific school at which the applicant prefers to enroll and withdraw his or her application from all other schools from which acceptance offers have been received. 

Applicants who receive offers of acceptance from more than one medical school must choose the one school that he/she prefers and withdraw from the other school(s) in accordance with the terms of the acceptance (generally this should be within a two week period).

After 5:00 p.m. CST on May 15th, no medical school in Texas may offer a position to an applicant who is already accepted by another medical school in Texas. This is the result of an agreement between the four UT System Medical schools, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas A&M University College of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, and University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth College of Osteopathic Medicine.

MD/PhD and DO/PhD Acceptances 

  • A participating institution may extend offers of acceptance into its combined MD/PhD, DO/PhD, and MD/MBA program at any time between October 15, 2021 and the beginning of orientation. See policy below regarding offers extended after May 15. 
  • An MD/PhD, DO/PhD, MD/MBA or FMAT applicant who receives dual degree offers of admission from more than one participating school must choose the one school that he/she prefers and withdraw from the other school(s) in accordance with the terms of the acceptance and AAMC Recommendations for Medical School and MD/PhD Applicants. Failure to follow this policy may result in withdrawal of acceptance from any of the participating schools.

Policies Regarding Acceptance 

The Professional School Committee on Admissions 

Each professional school has an Admissions Committee which is responsible for the evaluation of students admitted to its program. The committee members, appointed from the faculty, review all applications. They then recommend for acceptance those applicants who best meet the established admissions criteria. All actions on admission to a professional program are the prerogative of the Admissions Committee of each professional school. Questions concerning admission decisions should be directed to the medical school concerned. 

Transcripts Following Acceptance 

TMDSAS maintains the records of accepted applicants. Therefore, official transcripts for coursework taken subsequent to acceptance up to matriculation must be sent to TMDSAS at the end of each semester that coursework is taken. Applicants who are accepted and plan to enroll in medical school will also be required to submit a complete set of transcripts to the school at which they plan to enroll. These transcripts must include all courses taken prior to enrollment. TMDSAS does not reproduce transcripts for the schools. 

See Deadlines and Important Dates for more information.

Applicant Responsibilities During Admissions Process

Interview Protocol, withdrawing an application, and enrollment.

Interview Protocol and Etiquette  

Applicants must respond promptly to all invitations for interview. In those instances, when an applicant cannot appear for a previously scheduled interview, the applicant is responsible for promptly notifying the school. The cancellation should be undertaken by telephone with the school, followed by an email.

Withdrawing an Application 

Applicants who choose to withdraw from one or more schools must notify each school and TMDSAS in writing via internal message of their decision. Withdrawn applications can be reinstated by sending a message through the application internal messaging system until November 1, 2021. 

Administrative Withdrawals: Applications will not be transmitted to member institutions without a residency determination. After November 1, 2021, applicants who have not resolved their residency in their applications within 30 days of being informed of the issues will be administratively withdrawn.

If an application has been held for any reason other than residency, after November 1, 2021, applicants who have not resolved issues in their applications within 30 days of being informed of the issues will be transmitted to the schools to which they’ve applied. 


Notifying Institutions of Intent to Enroll 

Applicants who have made a final decision on the school they plan to attend have the obligation to promptly withdraw their applications from all other schools.

Learn about the TMDSAS match